Meet Winnie

Winnie, Wingrove Ambassador
Winnie is our wonderful, adorable and comical clinic cat! She is our official clinic greeter and daily entertainment! Winnie arrived at Granite Ridge Golf course in the dead of winter in 2012. One of our very caring clients could not bear to see this young cat outside all winter so Winnie spent her first few months apprenticing in the shop. Come April it was too busy for Winnie so she came to us in hopes of finding a home. It didn’t take long for us to realize how perfect she is for Wingrove!
Winnie brings a smile to our faces daily with her antics and the cute ways about her. Our clients now look for her when they arrive. She can be found greeting cats and dogs as they arrive, lying on keyboards, amongst the lab equipment, in boxes, on staff laps or under her blanket in the lounge. As pictured, she does also love to find a sunny spot!
I think if Winnie could speak, she would tell you she loves us almost as much as we love her!